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Being Bisexual

Hello you guys, my name is Marquan Russell, I am a Sophmore and identify as bisexual. My story starts when I was younger. I had a few girlfriends never a boyfriend. I kissed some girls and then i finally kissed a boy when i was like 11 or 12. Through the years i was thinking about my sexuality. Then when it came to 9th grade i had a crush on a guy.

At the time i had a crush on girl and both of them are my friends. I remember he sat next to me in science class and asked me “ what’s your sexuality? “ and I told him that i was confused. Later on not that exact day, I told the boy that i liked him and he said he didn’t like me like that cause he’s straight. But I asked if we can still be friends and he said sure. But something happened with the me liking the boy situation and i lost feelings for him. I used to be depressed being inside the closet trying to find myself.

I kinda came out to my mom this year but its kinda confusing and i came out to all my friends this year and i also came out to my brother and my cousins this year. What made me really upset was trying to tell my dad. When i asked if he supports the LGBT community he straight away said no and then I got really upset and started to cry. Reasons why I don't come out to a lot of people is because they just assume I'm gay and I tell them I'm not. I'm always asked about my sexuality and when people ask me I get nervous and don't want to say anything but when they assume I get really upset.

My school has some gay people but not everyone is. And I love that because I have gay friends at school that support and understand me. I also have straight friends and most of them are girls and I love them soooo much YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. But yea all I have to say is BE YOU. BE WHO YOU WANT TO BE. ONLY YOU CAN BE YOU AND ONLY I CAN BE ME. WHICH IS LGBT. Thank you.

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